By Your Call Publishing | ,

Move Mobility - October/November 23

Is Your Mobility Scooter Winter Ready?

The nights are drawing in and the weather rapidly changing so there is no better time than now to give your mobility scooter a little winter-ready MOT.

At Move Mobility we provide scooter servicing and repairs and recommend all machines over 12 months old have an annual check.

Items such as batteries and tyres may need testing and replacing, and it is vital to ensure indicators and lights are in good working order.

If you would like us to help ensure you keep on MOVE-ING, call us on 0800 652 1515.

A few other useful tips for safe winter riding include:

  • Scooters are made predominantly of metal which can rust if exposed to rain and snow so always dry off your vehicle once used in inclement weather.
  • Use a protective waterproof cover when storing your scooter to stop the control panel and dials getting wet.
  • If you can store your scooter in a dry indoor space such as a hall or garage, it will protect it.
  • Remember when the nights are darker and the weather dull, it is important you stand out – hi-vis belts or jackets are a cost-effective way of being seen and keeping safe.