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Community News - October/November 22

Community News From Around Our Area

Warwickshire Children’s Charity Needs More Volunteers to
Help Make a Difference to a Young Child’s Life

The Friendship Project for Children is looking for volunteers to befriend children between the ages of 6 – 16 in need of some extra support. The volunteers need to have access to a car and be able to take the child out and provide some undivided attention on a regular basis, for 2 – 3 hours.

All volunteers have Safeguarding and Child Protection training and their own Area Co-ordinator to support and advise them. Volunteers are matched with a child that has similar interests to them, and the emphasis is to have fun, with the knock-on effect/consequence that their young person's self confidence and self-esteem improves. The Safeguarding and support of our volunteers and our young people are paramount to the charity.

Area Coordinator, Fiona Roche says, "It's about having fun! With fun comes confidence and an increased sense of self-esteem. One of our supporters, Councillor Terry Morris of Warwick, recently spoke to us at a volunteer social gathering about believing in ourselves and how it had helped him on his life's journey to reach heights (becoming Mayor of Warwick) he didn't know were possible when he was a young lad. Helping your Younger Friend to believe in themselves will open up doors they didn't know existed."

Applicants will go through our strict interview process and provide two character references. Volunteers are required to apply for an Enhanced DBS certificate (criminal records check), which is paid for by the Charity. Induction and Safeguarding training are given to all volunteers on an ongoing basis.

An existing volunteer at the Friendship Project reports, “The Friendship Project has done as much for me as my younger friend. I feel useful and have a purpose outside of my work and family, which gives me a more rounded view on life.”

If you would like to volunteer with The Friendship Project for Children visit or follow them on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook: @friendshipproj