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Community News - October/November 22

Community News From Around Our Area

What’s Happening at Kenilworth Town Council?

During the summer most of us slow down but the Council meetings still continue, so we can deal with planning issues on a three weekly Planning Committee cycle, plus the usual Council and Finance Committees, so there is usually a full programme.

Furthermore, we have a number of Working Groups dealing with Cycling, Climate Emergency, Tourism and Town Centre, whose titles speak for themselves and whose reports are brought to Council on a regular basis for action.

The Project Group are currently bringing forward Wayfinding for the Town, having launched the tender to find a provider to supply this provision. The CIL Group are currently investigating possible areas of investment of the Community Investment Levy. As a result of putting our Neighbourhood Plan in place, we receive 25% instead of 15% of the levy raised on all the new development in the Town and this will continue for some years. It is likely to be a very large sum, so careful consideration is needed to ensure it benefits the community as a whole and hopefully improves the Town and makes it a better place.

As autumn approaches, we are starting to prepare for the Christmas season which we hope to maintain in its traditional format, despite the many problems that beset the whole Country as a result of the war in Ukraine and the stress that places on so many aspects of our community.

We look forward to reverting to the separate Lights Switch on Events for Warwick Road and High Street, coupled with the Buy a Present in Kenilworth weekend, complimented by our Christmas Market and a visit from Father Christmas. We know that there may be difficulties arising from the current turmoil in the world, but we hope to keep Kenilworth on a reasonably normal path. We must try to encourage the use of our town centre and its services so that they remain viable and so that we can continue to benefit from their presence.