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Community News - June/July 23

Community News From Around Our Area

Local Kart Racing Sensation Aiming High in Europe

Local teen, Sam Halle-Hinxman, has spent the last 8 years racing successfully across the UK in some of the highest levels of national karting. For 2023, at only 15, Sam, who races with his dad’s team Hinxman Racing, has made the move from Junior racing into senior racing, 2 years earlier than most drivers do. Hinxman Racing compete as a privateer race team where Sam is the driver and mechanic, and his dad, Dave, is the engineer, mechanic, team manager, accountant, logistics manager, driver coach and sometimes the counsellor.

Sam started his kart racing journey in Cadets at 7 years old, moving up to Juniors by the age of 11 and winning 2 Karting Championships on the way. He has amassed over 30 race wins and more than 50 podiums through his Junior motorsport career in championships such as the Daniel Ricciardo Series, a championship backed by Daniel Ricciardo the F1 driver. In addition to perfecting his own race craft on track, Sam has become an official driver coach for 2023. So, when Sam isn’t racing himself, he’s trackside instructing, coaching, and helping to build confidence and skill in both young and older racers alike, ensuring they become the best they can be. The youngest of Sam’s students being only 4!

Sam works hard to keep his fitness up, running at least four times a week, regular boxing training, all alongside karting at the weekend, full time school and, of course, homework! His future plans include a move from karts into car racing and he already has his eye on the British Touring Car Championship and GT Endurance Racing. Hopefully one day his Le Mans 24 Hours dream will come to fruition.

The cost of motorsport is astronomical and thankfully the Hinxman Racing team has managed to find sponsors and partners over the years to provide support to Sam’s career. The sponsors have helped so much in making karting possible for Sam, but with his exciting move up to Seniors and racing in Europe, he’s going up against the best racers in the world with the strongest teams and the biggest budgets. To assist him in competing at this level, Sam and the team are asking local businesses to help him achieve his dreams by becoming a sponsor or partner and being part of the team for 2023 and beyond. If you are interested in motorsport sponsorship and getting involved or just want to know more, please email or call us on 07917 843828. We would love to hear from you.

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