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Castle Medical Centre - August/September 22

Focus on Men’s Health

From a family doctor’s point of view, most men shy away from seeking help or asking questions about their health. Life span has increased for men but so have diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

So here are a few facts that men need to know about their health and if there are any concerns, speak to their doctor.

Lifestyle - Reducing waist size helps reduce risk of heart disease. A larger waist is linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. For men, a waist circumference below 94cm (37in) is ideal. Do check your body weight and height at your surgery. Your GP surgery will be able to advice you on diet and exercise to reduce weight.

Blood pressure should ideally be below 140/90 or lower. High blood pressure is related to heart disease and kidney disease and is easily treatable by your GP.

Smoking - Cigarette craving due to sensory cues or stress is a major reason why smokers find it hard to quit, your surgery’s smoking cessation clinic can help with support and nicotine supplements.

Limit alcohol to maximum 21 units per week - Heavy and persistent alcohol use can harm the liver, contributing to low testosterone and increased oestrogen, contributing to erectile dysfunction.

Exercise - Do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week, spread evenly over 4 to 5 days a week, or every day.

Getting your blood sugars checked will rule out diabetes and prevent complications earlier on if you are feeling unwell, losing weight or passing urine more frequently.

Mental health - Men find it hard to ask for help if they are stressed, anxious or depressed, lack motivation and have no pleasure in doing their usual things, because they think not being able to cope is a sign of weakness. Do not suffer in silence as your GP practice can help support you and resolve some of the issues.

Genital complaints - Genital skin complaints, penile conditions like pain, infection, discharge, lack of erection, lack of libido, sexually transmitted diseases, lumps and bumps and concerns about testicular lumps can be easily treated at your doctors or referred to hospital for further treatment if needed.

Men who are over 50 may have symptoms of passing urine frequently with weak stream and may suffer from prostatism due to enlargement of prostate. You may also pass blood in your urine, have weight loss or back pain. If you have any of these symptoms, a simple blood test to check prostate can rule out serious disease like prostate cancer.

How to get help?

We offer an NHS health check for all patients between 40-74, to help rule out heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke and other health problems. This includes a simple fingertip blood test.

If you wish to speak to a male doctor about your health, please contact your GP surgery in confidence.

Monday-Friday – 8.00am-6.30pm
Tel – 01926 857331
Facebook – @CastleMedKenilworth
Twitter – @Castle_Med
22 Bertie Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1JP