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Castle Medical Centre - April/May 22

Focus on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living

This month’s focus is on healthy eating and healthy living. The Covid 19 pandemic has affected people in different ways with some adopting healthy lifestyles yet some falling into the trap of overindulgence and less physical activity. The pandemic has shown overweight and obese people suffered more than their fitter counterparts. Never has it been more important to eat healthily and keep ourselves fit.

Practical Tips

  1. Make a shopping list, plan your meals and treats and stick to this.
  2. Involve your family and friends in healthy habits, a good support system helps to keep your focus.
  3. Eat main meals with smaller portions and snack on fruits, berries and nuts, it’s best to feel a little hungry and not overeat.
  4. Use NHS eating healthy app to plan meals, use whole grains, such as wholewheat pasta, brown rice or potatoes with their skins on.
  5. Eat fruit and veg rather than making smoothies as fruit juices have higher sugar, eat 5 portions of fruit and veg daily and at least 2 portions of fish weekly.
  6. Change sugary drinks to water, cordials or squashes, avoid diet drinks, reduce alcohol and swap for non-alcoholic drinks.
  7. Try intermittent fasting at least 14 hours between evening meal and breakfast if trying to lose weight, use treats in moderation on certain days.
  8. Exercise for at least 20 minutes or more daily, walk up stairs, pick up weights and try different exercises to keep yourself motivated.
  9. Use the NHS healthy BMI calculator to check your healthy weight and use the 12 week NHS weight loss app if trying to lose weight.
  10. Weight loss is not instant but with healthy eating and regular exercise weight will reduce over a few months.

To help with your healthy lifestyles, we can refer you to the fitter futures for exercise and weight management programme, help with smoking cessation, reducing alcohol, offering daily walks and regular support. Our clinicians are trained and glad to help so please contact the surgery via telephone or e-consult.

Practical Tips for Hayfever Season

Hay fever, or seasonal rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen from grass, trees and weeds during the early spring and summer months. It affects both adults and children, with symptoms of itchy red eyes and throat, runny or blocked nose, breathing problems, headaches and even tiredness.


Antihistamines including cetirizine and loratadine, once daily, an intranasal steroid spray for nasal symptoms and antihistamine eye drops for eye symptoms are helpful. They are available from pharmacies and supermarkets.

Stay indoors when pollen count is high (hot, dry and warm days).

Shower and wash your hair after arriving home and change your clothing.

Avoid drying washing on a clothesline outside when pollen counts are high.

Apply a barrier balm around the edge of each nostril to trap or block pollens.

Wishing everyone a healthy spring!

Monday-Friday – 8.00am-6.30pm
Tel – 01926 857331
Facebook – @CastleMedKenilworth
Twitter – @Castle_Med
22 Bertie Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1JP