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Alcester Town Council Update - April/May 24

Community Shed Update

Work is now well underway to transform the redundant squash courts behind the Greig Hall into a community shed. Modelled on the Mens Shed Movement, this will become THE place in Alcester for members of the community to make, repair, meet and learn new practical skills. One of the courts will become a workshop and the other a public space where the highly successful Repair Café will relocate once refurbishment is complete.

If you require further information on progress or think you would like to join the Community Shed group, please email Cllr Mark Cargill on


A new support group for parents with children and young people who have special needs has been launched in Alcester. Created through a collaboration of local parents and the Alcester Health & Wellbeing Partnership, the group was launched in January 2024. The response was overwhelming with amazing feedback from all who attended.

The group, named ‘SPEND’, now meets on the second Friday of every month in the Depot at the Eric Payne Community Centre, B49 6AG from 9.45am - 11.15am. The aim is for parents to feel supported, not just with practical advice and assistance but also with their own emotional wellbeing. You can be assured of a warm welcome.

There is also a private Facebook group called ‘SPEND Parent Support’, that SEN parents in the area can request to join (see QR code).

Town Council Meetings

All Town Council meetings are held in person at Globe House with the exception of the Planning Committee which sometimes meets using Zoom. All meetings commence at 7pm.

Full Council – 16th April & 14th May (Annual Meeting)
Planning Committee – 15th April & 20th May
Finance & General Purposes Committee – 30th April & 28th May

Members of the public are welcome to attend all Council meetings and are given time at the start of the meetings to speak. Anyone wishing to attend or ask questions is advised to contact the Town Clerk on before the meeting to obtain further details. Agendas are published on the Town Council website at and copies can be viewed on the Council notice boards.

Alcester Town Council Contact Details

The Town Council offices are open Monday - Friday from 9am-1pm. If you have an enquiry for the Town Council, please phone 01789 766084 or email and we will respond as soon as we can.

Alcester Town Council Offices

Globe House, Priory Road, Alcester, B49 5DZ Tel: 01789 766084

Town Clerk - Vanessa Lowe:
Planning and Communication - Sarah Duran:
Health & Wellbeing - Wendy Sherwood:
Facilities Manager - Tim Forman:
Mayor’s Secretary – Sarah Duran:

Further info also available at: