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Horoscopes by Christine Chalklin - February/March 22

Your Horoscopes for February and March 2022 by Astrologer Christine Chalklin

February: The first day of the month arrives with a powerful and auspicious new moon, this important lunation takes place in the benevolent and humanitarian sign of Aquarius. New moon energies are always about new beginnings, and this one strongly encourages us all to be independent, trust our intuition and think for ourselves. Whatever doesn’t resonate with you, or doesn’t appear to be working, can now be addressed and the relevant changes incorporated. February new moon also ushers in the Chinese New Year; 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. On a personal level, Tiger year denotes strength, growth and vitality, all qualities that will hopefully stand us in good stead as we look to move past all the uncertainty of the past two years. The water element is connected to being sensitive, creative and open to change and although there may still be many challenges ahead, on the whole 2022 is the year for positivity and bold action. Mars and Venus remain in practical Capricorn all month, this could bode very well for serous romantic intentions, time will tell, particularly around the 14th. The moon is full in Leo on the 16th.

March: March begins with a powerful connection of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in intuitive and spiritually minded Pisces, followed closely by a beautiful Pisces new moon on the 2nd. This suggests a completely new cosmic energy that will bring hope and optimism for a positive way forward. We will still feel the volatile impact of Uranus challenging Saturn as we continue to question the boundaries we have created in our life, but rather than holding on to old habits, we should become more interested in experimenting and breaking free from whatever has held us back for so long. Communication planet Mercury arrives in Pisces on the 10th, offering us all the opportunity to continue to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and to everyone around us. The full moon is in Virgo on the 18th followed by the Spring Equinox on the 20th - at last we can celebrate that the days are getting longer and warmer, and spring is well on its way!


February: Venus and Mars are both at the highest point of your chart this month, indicating that this is the perfect time to make a go of anything career related. Stay alert to any opportunities that come your way. The new moon on the 1st highlights the possibility of new people coming into your life and new friendship groups forming.

March: March will be a rather introspective month for normally bold and dynamic Aries. The powerful combination of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in the deeply intuitive sign of Pisces will probably cause you to reassess many things in your life. Mercury arrives in your sign on the 27th bringing some tough choices your way.


February: February opens up opportunities for further education and detailed travel plans. The new moon on the 1st is particularly important as its powerful energy encourages you to broaden your horizons especially on the career front. The Leo full moon on the 16th offers up a romantic opportunity – take heart and be bold!

March: March is all about finding a much gentler way of life, particularly if things have been rather hectic during the last year. The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are joined in spiritually minded Pisces and encourage you to tune in and connect with your life purpose. Creativity is highlighted and this is the year to find your deepest passion.


February: February suggests that your financial plans will need some reviewing. Venus and Mars joining Mercury and Pluto in responsible Capricorn should help you to make some practical long lasting decisions. The pioneering Aquarian new moon on the 1st ensures that you have some innovative new ideas to increase your prospects.

March: March is a powerful career month with the emphasis on you reaching your goals, whatever they might be. Optimistic Jupiter in mystical Pisces highlights your soul journey and the many things that still have to be accomplished. Venus and Mars both arrive in innovative Aquarius on the 6th, enabling you to get those new plans underway.


February: The first half of February offers you a great deal of energy as Mars, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are all challenging you in your opposite sign of Capricorn. This could indicate some relationship issues that come to the surface now. Jupiter and Neptune, both in the beneficial sign of Pisces, offer heightened intuition to help you make the right decision.

March:  Finances and resources are in the spotlight this month as Mercury and Saturn ask you to begin a through reassessment. Keep yourself focussed as you now have the power to be very persuasive in any negotiations. Jupiter in Pisces offers great intuition, use it wisely and this should turn out to be a profitable and productive month.


February: The Sun and Saturn are strong in your opposite sign during February, emphasising any difficulties in your relationships. The new moon on the 1st will throw some light on any issues that have been troubling you for a while. Saturn demands a practical solution and you should find one by the full moon in your sign on the 16th.

March: March suggests that health and lifestyle balance will be top priorities for you this month. The Pisces new moon on the 2nd offers great insight and your renewed confidence enables you to push any new ideas forward. Jupiter and Neptune are strong in Pisces and this combination indicates a marvellous energy boost.


February: February offers some big changes to your day to day living; be on the lookout for some important new information related to your plans. Jupiter and Neptune are both in your opposite sign and will help you to reach a positive outcome - all you need to do is be mindful and trust your intuition.

March:  The full moon in your sign on the 18th helps you to apply your energies to constructive pursuits. The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are all prominent around this time and highlight inspirational and intuitive experiences. New and exciting ideas to push you forwards occur at the spring equinox on the 20th.


February: New and exciting creative opportunities are suggested during February. Romantic encounters are also in strong focus, particularly around the time of the Aquarian new moon on the 1st. Your work is destined to take on a more spiritual aspect as Jupiter and Neptune cast a beneficial light on this area of your chart.

March: The month’s events hinge around Venus, your ruling planet, arriving in the most creative area of your chart on the 6th. Be sure to talk to partners and colleagues about the bigger issues and dig deep to unearth new truths. The Equinox on the 20th shows that freedom and individuality are more important than ever before.


February: February puts you in a rather assertive mood, as you strive to take on a more independent approach to life. The Aquarian new moon on the 1st offers radical change, particularly in your domestic area. Expansive Jupiter, recently arrived in Pisces, offers renewed insight to be positive where money is concerned, big ideas can lead to brilliant results if you stay optimistic.

March:  This month’s planetary activity turns your attention to communicating trust and intuition, by doing this you’ll benefit most from a harmonious atmosphere. Venus and March enter your domestic area on the 6th, you can use your organisational skills to perform everyday jobs and plan your schedule in a more efficient way.


February: February’s exciting Aquarian new moon highlights all types of communication and gives you extra powers of persuasion to reach your 2022 goals. With your enhanced resourcefulness it’s a good time to make some major decisions, particularly after Mercury goes direct on the 4th and then moves into Aquarius on the 14th.

March: March is dominated by a restructure of your personal finances and earning capacity. As both Venus and Mars arrive in Aquarius on the 6th you’ll find that if you stick to your plans you’ll have a really good chance of succeeding. The Virgo full moon on the 18th suggests that a long-term creative project can finally get underway.


February: Four planets in your sign ensure that this will be a breakthrough month. Dynamic Mars and romantic Venus are strong in your sign stirring up matters of the heart and suggesting that a new love interest may be on the horizon. Positive thinking is the way forward. Meanwhile, the exciting Aquarian new moon on the 1st looks set to bring some great opportunities your way.

March: March indicates that finances and resources are in the spotlight, challenges and change are on offer and you’ll need to make some important decisions. The intuitive energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces can assist you when looking at your choices. The spring Equinox on the 20th will reveal more about changes of the inevitable kind, particularly on the home front.


February: February is your birthday month and the favourable and dynamic new moon in your sign on the 1st ensures that positive change is not far off. The powerful Leo full moon on the 16th highlights your relationship area, be sure to use your analytical abilities coupled with your enhanced intuitive skills when making those important changes and the right decisions for the rest of this year.

March: March is a very important month as both Mars and Venus arrive in your sign on the 6th, indicating innovative insight and big changes in the pace of your life. The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in mystical Pisces offer inspirational energy and a renewed interest in anything spiritual or creative.


February: February urges you to push forward and review career matters; expansive Jupiter is now firmly in your sign, demanding that you take full advantage of this chance to usher in a whole new era of confidence, luck and success. The new moon on the 1st stirs up some emotional issues, you may be wise to keep your options open for the time being.

March:  The powerful full moon in your opposite sign of Virgo on the 18th brings much needed clarity and focus into many areas of your life. This is a time for illuminating new beginnings, particularly where love and romance are concerned. Venus and Mars both arrive in analytical Aquarius on the 6th, it’s time to be decisive!

Navigate your way through these challenging times, discover your unique birth map and take a refreshing new look at your year ahead. Find out when positive and productive planetary cycles are working in your favour. Aim to reach your fullest potential in 2022 by booking an astrological reading now. Consultations are available on Zoom, WhatsApp or telephone.

Christine Chalklin
Inspirational Astrologer and Life Coach
Mobile: 07813 483549