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Community News - June/July 23

Community News From Around Our Area

Jamboree Wood Project

Last year 18 intrepid Scouts and Explorers, between the ages of 13 – 17 years, were selected from the Coventry area to attend the World Scout Jamboree, which takes place in South Korea this Summer.

The Jamboree is the first one to take place post Pandemic and will see approximately 40,000 young people and leaders attending, from almost every nation on earth. Details about the Jamboree and the Coventry Unit can be found by visiting the official website World Scout Jamboree 2023.

One of the challenges set for all the units attending is to make this Jamboree the most sustainable yet, with a big emphasis on the environment, and education around tackling Climate Change.

So far, the Coventry Unit’s fundraising efforts have included green initiatives such as collecting plastic packaging (crisp packets/bread bags, etc) for recycling, reusing unwanted gifts on tombola stalls and as raffle prizes, recycling clothing, and repurposing items into crafts to sell.

More importantly though, the Coventry Unit want to leave a lasting sustainable legacy to inspire future Scouts, and also mark their amazing adventure.

Rough Close Scout Campsite and Activity Centre, on the Coventry border, is owned by the City of Coventry Scout County and has seen many generations of Scouts and other voluntary youth organisations from across the city and surrounding counties, enjoy its 43 acres of woodland since 1946. Recently, an area has been handed over to the Jamboree Unit to regenerate by planting a mixed broadleaf plantation, which is now known as the Jamboree Wood.

Trees were sourced from the Woodland Trust as part of their Trees for Communities Scheme and the unit members and their families have now planted 240 oak, rowan, silver birch, downy birch, crab apple, hawthorn, holly and grey willow, within an open area carpeted in bluebells. As well as the obvious environmental and biodiversity benefits that come with the planting of trees, the new wood will serve as an additional area for young people to learn more about the environment and conservation.

The Unit are now on the final push to secure the £80,000 required to fund this once-in-a-lifetime experience. The monies raised not only help fund the trip but also the training camps needed in advance to prepare them. They will also go towards uniforms/kit and more importantly, will go towards the funding of other Scouts from less fortunate countries around the world to also attend.

Rather than approach businesses and organisations to simply ask for financial support, the unit have launched the Jamboree Wood Project, in order to give something in return, for whatever financial support can be offered.

It is hoped that this project will appeal to those businesses (or indeed individuals/families) who are interested in, or have ambitions to:

  • Promote their own, or generally support, environmental initiatives/credentials
  • Help local young people reach their potential
  • Give back and support a local Charity
  • Benefit from positive publicity

There are 2 support options on offer as follows:

Business/Individual/Family ‘Friend of Jamboree Wood’ package

For a donation of between £50 - £249, they will receive:

  • Certificate of Support • Limited edition Unit Badge • WSJ Thank You Card • Marketing/PR Support to promote involvement (where applicable)

Business ‘Main Sponsor of Jamboree Wood’ package

For a donation of £250+, they will receive the same benefits as above for the ‘Friend’ package plus:

  • Named plaque on our hand carved Jamboree Wood sign panel on site • Invitation to the unveiling ceremony of the sign in July • Opportunities for Scouts to attend the business workplace to undertake any ‘bob-a-job’ type works and/or for press/PR opportunities

Anyone interested in supporting the Jamboree Scouts with this initiative, or who would like further information can contact the Fundraising Committee on:


Phone: 07936 381533 (Emma) or 07984 381973 (Michelle)