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Community News - December 21/January 22

Community News From Around Our Area

Businesses Are Being Called on to Enter a New-Look Awards Dedicated to Recognising Growth and Resilience Throughout the Pandemic

The fourth Ladies First Professional Development Awards, organised by entrepreneur Tracey McAtamney from Balsall Common, will celebrate success stories while also raising funds and awareness for St Basils and Suited For Success.

Nominations are open in 26 categories, including Man of the Year, Excellence In Education and Best Family Business.

Ladies First Network leader and founder of Surviving Bereavement, Tracey McAtamney, said, “There are a lot of awards around and for me it’s about supporting charitable causes that are relevant.

“This year these charities seem a good fit because they align very well with our professional development and encouraging people back to work. There have been so many younger people negatively impacted by Covid.

“While we’re celebrating our own success, we can be mindful that there are a lot of people out there who do need our help and we can do that by not just raising funds but by raising their profiles.”

Suited For Success helps unemployed residents in the West Midlands prepare for a job interview by providing free coaching, employment preparation skills and interview clothing.

St Basils works with young homeless people across the region to enable them to find and keep a home, grow their confidence, develop their skills and increase opportunities.

Closing date for entries is 3rd January and the ceremony will be held at Coombe Abbey in Coventry on 24th March.

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