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Community News - December 21/January 22

Community News From Around Our Area

Grief Recovery Specialist Talks About Life After Loss

Have You Suffered a Loss? If so, welcome to Surviving Bereavement, my name is Tracey, and I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist.

The Grief Recovery Method can be used to talk about many losses in our lives including death, divorce, redundancy, loss of health, pet loss and many others. This practical programme is taught, with every practitioner trained the same way to ensure that the course offers supportive guidance every step of the way. The course provides a safe environment where you are given the tools to help you recover from loss. I offer the programme on a one-to-one basis or group sessions. We also offer a special programme for when children grieve – for adults to help children deal with loss.

At Surviving Bereavement, we have a great team of professionals to support you emotionally and can help with those legal or financial matters.

We also offer free Memory Boxes/Bags to children and young adults coping with loss. For more information email

There is no wrong or right time to grieve, there is no time limit and there is no magic button to press to make the pain go away. There is Life after Loss, and we can help you on your journey.

Tracey McAtamney