We are a 7¼” miniature railway operating at Russells Garden Centre, Baginton, as a listed charity (Charity No. 1202818). Having been approved by Warwickshire County Council to run a railway at said site, we badly need more volunteer members to assist in the running and maintenance of the railway, for which we will train you as required. Find us at Facebook.com/BVLRail or visit www.BVLRail.org.uk. If you are interested why not visit us on a running day and have a chat. Call 07802 710810 or email roy.parker28@tiscali.co.uk or call BVLR on 024 7699 1441 for further details.

The Band meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30pm – 9.30pm with additional assistance available for learners. The venue is Club for Young People, Barnacle Lane, Bulkington, CV12 9RJ. Free tuition, loan of instrument and all necessary equipment is available to all playing members of the Band irrespective of age. For more information email bulkingtonsilverband@hotmail.com, find us on Facebook or visit www.bulkingtonsilverband.co.uk.