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Citizens Advice Column - December 22/January 23

Top Tips To Survive Christmas Shopping And The New Year Debt Hangover

With Christmas just around the corner, and Black Friday-Cyber-Monday right behind you, you probably have consumer advice coming out of your ears.

Below is information and advice you might not yet have come across but could hold you in good stead going into the New Year.

  1. Changing your mind about something you bought.

We all know that the most frustrating Christmas experience involves changing your mind about something you have recently bought. If you’re not sure what your rights are visit for more details.

  1. If you were misled or pressured into buying something you didn’t want.

All sales nowadays can feel like high-pressure sales. In some specific circumstances you do have extra consumer protections. To see if these circumstances fit your experience visit

  1. Getting your money back if you paid by card or PayPal.

Today’s shoppers are much wiser to the advantages of paying for Christmas shopping by credit or debit card or by PayPal than ever before. Not all, though, are experienced in getting refunds. To know more visit

  1. Returning Faulty Goods.

There is nothing more frustrating than the expensive new tech present, or gadget for the kids, lasting 24 hours before it stops working. To know how to channel your frustration and return faulty goods visit

  1. Reporting Fake or Counterfeit Goods.

We are all anxious to get that great deal but cheap items are often cheap for a good reason. If they are poor quality they may be counterfeit. To know what to do if your item is counterfeit visit

  1. What to do if you think you have bought stolen goods.

A small proportion of you will almost certainly receive stolen goods. To know what to do if this happens to you visit

  1. Checking if something might be a scam.

The Christmas festive season, contradictorily, leaves more people feeling isolated than any other period throughout the year. This isolation makes everyone vulnerable to scams and scammers. To find out more about how to spot and report a scam visit

  1. Reporting a consumer issue.

If you need to report a consumer issue please get in touch with the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, but are closed on bank holidays. This number can also be used to report a scam.

  1. Working out your budget.

The New Year is all about planning ahead. Working out your budget may seem boring, or even futile, but the alternative is to go into the heart of winter with your finances out of control. For general advice go to or contact your local CA office.

  1. Getting help if you’re struggling to pay your bills.

In current circumstances no-one outside the highest income brackets can guarantee they won’t be having trouble paying their bills come February. If you are concerned your bills are getting out of control, or you feel that borrowing from high cost lenders is your only way out, please visit for basic tips or contact your local CA office.

The advice above is only enough to get you started. Please make use of it. Don’t let ‘New Year blues’ get you down. Happy Christmas to you from everyone at Citizens Advice!

Our thanks to Coventry Citizens Advice (CCA) for submitting this article to us. For more information, contact your local CA offices or visit