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Bidford Parish Council - February/March 24

Bidford on Avon Parish Council is taking the current Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) Resourcing to Risk consultation very seriously and is urging all residents to reply and make their views known to both WFRS and Warwickshire County Council.

Council recognises that this is a difficult issue: although changes are needed, they need to be the right ones to ensure the safety of our community, which is of paramount importance, and the security of our brilliant local firefighters.
To help residents, the Parish Council will be holding surgeries at the Fire Station, between 10am and 12pm on the following Saturdays: 13th and 27th January, 10th and 24th February and 2nd March.

This is now operative from the Methodist Church on Mondays and Thursdays 10am – 11am. Want to volunteer for this essential local service? Please contact Hilary at The aim of this new community project is “No Waste, making food, that would otherwise go to landfill, available to local residents. Look out for the Café – coming soon!

The First Thursday of the month in the Parish Council Room (in the library) 10am–1pm. Please note you must pre-book.  This provides essential advice in these difficult times and is carried out in complete confidence. Please note the library is closed on Thursdays. Full details available at You can also book via the Clerk – email giving name, contact details and reason for the appointment. The Clerk is the Council’s GDPR Officer, and you can be assured all will be treated in the highest confidence.
Dates: 1st February and 7th March

If you have a concern or issue about anything within the Parish, please use the Love Clean Street App and send by email Alternatively, you can contact the Clerk on 07718 628925 or by email as above. Please don’t post on Social Media (Bidford Forum) where it may be missed and, therefore, remain unanswered or unsolved.


  • Mondays 10.30am–11.30am STORYTOTS Bidford Community Library
  • Mondays 10.30am–12.30pm DEMENTIA CAFÉ Westholme Court
  • Mondays 1pm–2.30pm ARTY AVON Church Hall
  • Wednesdays 10am–12pm WARM HUB Crawford Memorial Hall
  • Thursdays 10am-11.30am THE JOLLY TEAPOT Church Hall


  • Monday 12th February and 11th March at 7.30pm Planning Consultative Committee Meeting
  • Monday 26th February and 25th March at 7.30pm Parish Council Meeting

All meetings, which are open to the public, are held at the Parish Council Meeting Room, Bramley Way, B50 4QG (unless stated otherwise). Please note it is at these meetings that decisions that directly affect our village and our local community are made – so be part of it and come and see it happen.

Want to know what is happening in the village every week? Nothing easier, simply sign up by emailing the Clerk at and your name will be added to the Weekly Email Information list to receive an email regarding upcoming Events and Notices. As Your Call Magazine is bi-monthly, this is a good way to ensure you are up to date with everything local.

Another way the Parish Council is trying to keep the local community informed is by the use of Social Media. Please follow us via Facebook (Bidford on Avon) Twitter (@Bidford_PC) and now also on Instagram (bidfordpc). A lot of information and updates are published through social media, so do make sure you follow us to stay informed.


  • Clerk to the Parish Council – Mrs Elisabeth Uggerløese
  • Administrative Assistant (Part time) – Hilary Wren
  • Parish Council Office is located in Bramley Way and is open to the public 10am-1pm. If you are unable to attend during this time, please contact the office to make an appointment
  • Tel:  01789 778653/07718 628925 Email: Website:
  • Parish Councillors – a list of Parish Councillors can be found online at

Elisabeth Uggerløese – Clerk to the Parish Council

PS. Keep an eye on the What’s On page of the website ( for events. They will also be advertised on Social Media.